Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Benefits Of Google Analytics for your Business


Google Analytics is a powerful tool that can help you track a whole lot of stats and information that are related particularly to your website which, in turn can help you structure a sound digital marketing campaign.

Following are the benefits of Google Analytics:

* Google Analytics is Free:

You won’t have to pay a dime to access Google Analytics on the internet. It’s a free online tool and can be accessed anywhere anytime you wish to do so.

There’s no need to pay any subscription or annual membership fees as well. You just create an account and off you go with full gusto. You can’t ask for more; can you?

Analytics shows you how traffic is being directed to your designated website:

How many users found out your website on the World Wide Web? Did they find out your website via advertisements, content links or search engines? Or did they land on your site directly from a link? If you want to know the answer to that question, Google Analytics is the way to go.

Such information is priceless indeed because it helps you set up a decent SEO campaign. Don’t worry. The prices won’t bite simply because it doesn’t have any. Like I said before, Google Analytics is absolutely FREE of any charge!

Google Analytics helps you track the effectiveness of your social engagements:

One of the latest features of Google analytics includes social analytics as a part of their very own analysis tools.

In the current market, the importance of social media can never be ignored. Today, social media has become an integral part of digital marketing. So naturally you would like to know your traffic well that comes via your social media channels. Analytics again comes to your rescue.
Through Google analytics, you’ll be able to track your user data from Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Google Plus, Instagram, LinekdIn, Delicious etc. on a single page. This can save you a whole lot of time and effort because you’ll be able to find everything under a single roof. Charming; isn’t it?
So analytics efficiency you want, analytics efficiency you’ll get. Convenience you want, convenience you’ll get.

* Analytics helps you track the mobile browsing impact of your website:

The mobile internet has gained much priority these days over a regular broadband wired connection.

More and more people are using their mobile devices to get on to the internet either though mobile data or through WiFi. Thus, optimizing website for convenient mobile access has ceased to become a luxury anymore; in fact, currently it has become a part of the necessity.

Google Analytics can easily help you track the impact of mobile users on your online business. So that part of the job is more or less covered. You will be able to know the pages that get the maximum views on mobile devices, know the type of mobile devices that your visitors use and a host of other information lying in the same bracket.

Such information can really help you frame your marketing strategies in a more effective manner.

* Google Analytics helps you detect your website bounce rate :

A bounce rate is the number of users that has viewed only a single page of your website for a few seconds and has bounced away. If your bounce rate is high, it means you are not doing something right. You are not getting relevant visitors. The lesser the bounce rate, the better it is.

Google Analytics helps you track your bounce rate with bare ease and comfort.

For detailed information about Google Analytics: http://digitalmarketerchandan.blogspot.com/2018/08/google-analytics.html

Thank you

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