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Marketing With Chandan

Hello, this is Chandan Kumar from Kolkata, sharing my knowledge in some of my favourite skills in Education, Arts and many more. With the increasingly growing internet and mobile users, the lines among storytelling, publicizing, advertising, and technology are beginning to disappear. With unrestricted access to social media platforms, brands are now immersing with paid, owned, and earned media, to reach and associate with consumers in their channels of relevance.

Digital Features
SEO(Search Engine Optimization)

Bachelor of Science

SMM(Social Media Marketing)

Master of Fine Arts


Bachelor of Fine Arts

Multi-Media Features
Web Developer

State Art company

Web Designer

Design Corporation

Logo and Banner Designer

Creative Design Studio

My Skills
Web Design
Web Development
Digital Marketing
SEO Consultant


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Projects Done


Instagram Followers


Web Design

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Web Developer

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Digital Marketing

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SEO Consultation

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Logo Design

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Banner Design

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Benefits Of Google Analytics for your Business


Google Analytics is a powerful tool that can help you track a whole lot of stats and information that are related particularly to your website which, in turn can help you structure a sound digital marketing campaign.

Following are the benefits of Google Analytics:

* Google Analytics is Free:

You won’t have to pay a dime to access Google Analytics on the internet. It’s a free online tool and can be accessed anywhere anytime you wish to do so.

There’s no need to pay any subscription or annual membership fees as well. You just create an account and off you go with full gusto. You can’t ask for more; can you?

Analytics shows you how traffic is being directed to your designated website:

How many users found out your website on the World Wide Web? Did they find out your website via advertisements, content links or search engines? Or did they land on your site directly from a link? If you want to know the answer to that question, Google Analytics is the way to go.

Such information is priceless indeed because it helps you set up a decent SEO campaign. Don’t worry. The prices won’t bite simply because it doesn’t have any. Like I said before, Google Analytics is absolutely FREE of any charge!

Google Analytics helps you track the effectiveness of your social engagements:

One of the latest features of Google analytics includes social analytics as a part of their very own analysis tools.

In the current market, the importance of social media can never be ignored. Today, social media has become an integral part of digital marketing. So naturally you would like to know your traffic well that comes via your social media channels. Analytics again comes to your rescue.
Through Google analytics, you’ll be able to track your user data from Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Google Plus, Instagram, LinekdIn, Delicious etc. on a single page. This can save you a whole lot of time and effort because you’ll be able to find everything under a single roof. Charming; isn’t it?
So analytics efficiency you want, analytics efficiency you’ll get. Convenience you want, convenience you’ll get.

* Analytics helps you track the mobile browsing impact of your website:

The mobile internet has gained much priority these days over a regular broadband wired connection.

More and more people are using their mobile devices to get on to the internet either though mobile data or through WiFi. Thus, optimizing website for convenient mobile access has ceased to become a luxury anymore; in fact, currently it has become a part of the necessity.

Google Analytics can easily help you track the impact of mobile users on your online business. So that part of the job is more or less covered. You will be able to know the pages that get the maximum views on mobile devices, know the type of mobile devices that your visitors use and a host of other information lying in the same bracket.

Such information can really help you frame your marketing strategies in a more effective manner.

* Google Analytics helps you detect your website bounce rate :

A bounce rate is the number of users that has viewed only a single page of your website for a few seconds and has bounced away. If your bounce rate is high, it means you are not doing something right. You are not getting relevant visitors. The lesser the bounce rate, the better it is.

Google Analytics helps you track your bounce rate with bare ease and comfort.

For detailed information about Google Analytics: http://digitalmarketerchandan.blogspot.com/2018/08/google-analytics.html

Thank you


                   GOOGLE WEBMASTER

Google Webmaster is a tool which is a free service that helps you evaluate and maintain your website's performance in search results (1). Offered as a free service to anyone who owns a website, Google Webmaster Tools (GWT) is a conduit of information from the largest search engine in the world to you, offering insights into how it sees your website and helping you uncover issues that need fixing.

How GWT can help monitor your website's performance-

1. It verifies that Google can access the content on your website.
2. GWT makes it possible to submit new pages and posts for Google to crawl and remove content you don't want search engine users to discover.
3. It helps you deliver and evaluate content that offers users a more visual experience.
4. You can maintain your website without disrupting its presence in search results.
5. It allows you to discover and eliminate malware or spam problems that may not be easily found through other means.

How GWT helps you understand how Google search views your website-

 1. It tells you the most popular queries causing your website to appear in search results.
2. It tells you which queries are driving the most traffic.
3. You can see which websites are linking to yours.
4. You can evaluate how well your mobile website is performing for people searching on tablets and phones. 

How to set up GWT-

Before accessing any data, you have to verify that you are the owner, or authorized representative, of the website. There are five ways you can verify your website. One is not really better than the other, so you can choose which option is the easiest for you.

> Uploading an HTML file - Google gives you a file with a specific name that you have to upload to the root directory of your website. The file itself is blank. Its only purpose is to help prove that you have access to the website's FTP server and can drop files where they need to go. Once the file goes into the root directory, just click on the "verify" button in GWT, and you will have access to data.

>Adding an HTML tag - You can also verify the website by adding a meta tag provided by Google that you can drop into the header of your homepage. Once this is in place, click on the "verify" button to view data. It's important to note that sometimes homepage code can be challenging to find with certain content management system (CMS) themes, particularly WordPress. It is also possible that your code might disappear when you update your homepage, revoking your access to GWT data until the tag is replaced.

>Select the provider of your domain - Google gives you the option of selecting your domain name provider in a drop-down list. Click on your provider, and Google will walk you through the steps of verifying your website.

>Use Google Analytics - As the administrator of your website's Google Analytics account, you can verify the website using asynchronous tracking code placed in the head of your homepage.

>Using Google Tag Manager - this is a tool that allows you to enter and manage all the tracking tags for your website, including GWT. 

 Once your account is set up and your website is verified, you will have access to plenty of actionable data that can help you optimize your website. You can receive alerts from Google, adjust settings to deliver specific information to your inbox, submit XML site maps and view user queries where your website appeared in search. Learn the basics of using GWT, and you will have a great resource on which to base your future marketing decisions.

I hope this will help you.




Every SEO strategy is focused on ranking as high as possible in the search engines. To do this, we all try to design and develop a website that Google’s secret algorithm will love. That’s basically what SEO is about. The factors in Google’s algorithm can be divided into two categories which will determine the ranking of your website:
1. On-page SEO
2. Off-page SEO 

 Here, I’ll discuss the differences between the two, explain the importance of on-page SEO and go over the most essential on-page SEO factors. 

On-page factors 
All have to do with elements of your own website. On-page factors include technical set-up – the quality of your code – textual and visual content and user-friendliness of your site.

1.  Page Titles: Your page title (meta-title) plays an essential role in your SEO strategy. Your page and posts both should have appropriate and unique titles. It should include the main keywords of your page. The more optimized and attractive it will look the more number of clicks you are likely to get. 

2. Meta Descriptions: Meta descriptions are displayed on SERPs and help you attract the searcher to visit your site. They are basically snippet of information present below the link of your search result. It describes the content that your page contains.

3. Meta Tags: These are the html keywords that don’t appear on the Search Engine Result Page (SERP) but only in the code of your page. They are not visible to the readers like Meta description. Your Meta tags should include all the suitable keywords related to your content.

4. URL Structure: The URL Structure is an important factor of On-Page SEO. It is highly recommended to use search engine friendly URLs for providing better crawling experience to users.

5. Keyword Density: No doubt including relevant keywords in your content is important but if you put too many, then search engines are likely to spam your website. It is recommended to keep your keyword density around 1.5% and it should be a mix of LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) keywords.

6. Image SEO: Images are important to grab the attention of visitors. The website traffic can be effectively improved with the help of visual appeal. To optimize images for SEO you must include Descriptions and Alt Text in it. 

7. Internal Linking: Internal linking is one of the major aspects of SEO as with the help of it you can direct traffic to your other pages and posts too.

8. Heading Tags: The content you write should be in small paragraphs and sections. And, the tags given to these headings are called H1, H2 and H3 etc. Breaking your content helps you rank your website higher on SERP.

9. Word Count Per Post: If you want your content to perform well on search engines, then your posts shouldn’t be too short, as it is considered to be less informative. A general information based blog post should at least be of 700 words.

10. External Linking: Outbound links are the links from other domains or websites. But the external links you put should be relevant to your content. You should do external linking to the trusted websites only.

11. Quality Content: Last but not the least, as content is still the king. The most important aspect of SEO is that you should have quality content. You should provide value to readers with your engaging content. When readers spend more time on your blog your bounce rate increase and so do your ranking.

Importance of on-page SEO
On-page SEO consists of all the elements of SEO you can control best. If you own a website, you can control the technical issues and the quality of your content. We believe on-page issues should all be tackled as they’re in your own hands. If you create an awesome website, it will definitely start ranking. Focusing on on-page SEO will also increase the probability that your off-page SEO strategy will be successful. Link building with a crappy site is a very tough job. Nobody wants to link to articles that are badly written or boring.

If it was helpful to you then kindly share:  https://www.facebook.com/chandan.yoyo.7


                        GOOGLE ANALYTICS

 What do we know about Google Analytics?

 Google Analytics is a free Web analytics service that provides statistics and basic analytical tools for search engine optimization (SEO) and marketing purposes. The service is available to anyone with a Google account. Google bought Urchin Software Corporation in April 2005 and used that company’s Urchin on Demand product as the basis for its current service.

Google Analytics features include:

• Data visualization tools including a dashboard, scorecards and motion charts, which display changes in data over time.

• Segmentation for analysis of subsets, such as conversions.

• Custom reports.

• Email-based sharing and communication.

• Integration with other Google products, such as AdWords, Public Data Explorer and Website Optimizer.

Google Analytics is geared toward small and medium-sized retail websites. The service has limitations that make it less suited to more complex websites and larger enterprises. For example, the system collects data through a JavaScript page tag inserted in the code of pages the user wants to collect data on. The page tag functions as a Web bug to gather visitor information. However, because it’s reliant on cookies, the system can’t collect data for users who have disabled them. Google also uses sampling in its reports rather than analyzing all available data.


Furthermore, some security experts have raised concerns about privacy issues in Google Analytics. Through the Google Analytics Dashboard, users can collect information on people whose websites link to social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter.


Why is it important to use Google Analytics?

 Google Analytics is a very important digital marketing tool, but seriously underused by most businesses. It allows you to measure the results of individual campaigns in real-time, compare the data to previous periods, and so much more.

Continue Reading About Google Analytics

    The official website provides more information about Google Analytics.

    See the entry for Google Analytics on Wikipedia.

    Official weblog offering news, tips and resources related to Google's web traffic analytics service.

    Find out if free web analytics tools like Google Analytics are adequate for your company's Web analytics needs.

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What is Blogging?
Blog is a short form of "Web Log," this term refers to a list of journal entries posted on a Web page. Anybody who knows how to create and publish a Web page can publish their own blog. Some Web hosts have made it even easier by creating an interface where users can simply type a text entry and hit "publish" to publish their blog.

Because of the simplicity of creating a blog, many people (often young kids and adults) have found a new presence on the Web. Instead of writing confidential entries in a book that no one is supposed to see, people now can share their personal feelings and experiences with thousands of people around the world. Blogs are typically updated daily, monthly, or anywhere in between.

In simple words:
Blog - A type of write-up/a type of informal way of writing.
Blogger - A person who writes on it.

Things you should keep in mind while making a blog:

* Ask yourself what you love, care about or wish to share with others:
 If you're going to write about something regularly and keep your blog fresh with new information, then you need to write about something that stokes your passion or that reflects your daily experience.

* Think about how you want to help people: 
While you want to know your broad subject area, you need to focus your blog topics more narrowly, so that it has a clear purpose.

* Spy on your competition:
 Take a look at other blogs on your topic to see what other people are already doing.

* Generate some names for your blog:
 Try brainstorming a list of names and writing them on a piece of paper, or talk to friends and family to get ideas. You can also try freewriting to see what comes out of your mind as you free associate about your topic.

* Research keywords related to your subject to help people find your blog.

* Decide where to create and host your blog.

What Topic Should You Choose?

Gaming: Write about the games you play, post updates, and share cheats or hints.

Politics: Politics blogs are great if you have a unique point of view that needs to be heard, especially if you don’t see represented in most media.

Fashion, Style, or Beauty: A fashion or beauty blog is a great way to share your unique sense of style! You can take lots of pictures of your outfits, do makeup tutorials.

  Food: On a food blog, you can share your recipes, offer tips for certain diets, or even write up reviews for local restaurants.

Travel: On a travel blog, you can talk about your favorite destinations, pass on unique recommendations, share photos, and write up reviews of hotels, restaurants, and activities.
Your Business: With a business blog, you can use your blog to connect with customers and provide them with helpful information. You can watch a travel blog :: http://Folksstroller.blogspot.in

Tip: The best blog topic is one that you’re truly passionate about. Don’t be afraid to break new ground and start a blog about something no one else is talking about—this is a chance to do something really unique with your passion.
Here you can write about anything like you can check :: https://explorewithsumi.blogspot.com/

However, every blog has a dominant type of post. And it’s important that yours does too.

Hope all the above details are useful for you.
Tell me about your opinions about Blogging.


                   E-MAIL MARKETING

What is E-mail Marketing?

Email marketing is, quite simply, using the tools of email to deliver advertising messages. The vast majority of Internet users have email accounts which allow them to receive an almost unlimited number of messages instantly. According to a survey conducted by Pew Internet, 82% of U.S. adults use the Internet, and email is one of the fastest, cheapest and easiest ways for marketers to connect with customers.

One of the greatest advantages of email marketing is that it allows marketers to send targeted messages. Print, radio and television ads are broadcast indiscriminately and frequently reach consumers who have no interest in the product offered. But email marketing allows companies to tailor certain ads to certain customers. If a customer has shopped for a brand of shoes in the past, companies can email them coupons for that same brand knowing that they have already expressed an interest.

Popular E-mail Marketing Services

The email marketing industry has exploded over the last 15 years. In 2011, companies spent $1.51 billion on email marketing efforts. In order to tap into this growth, a number of companies have started to provide email marketing services to businesses large and small. Below are some of the most popular providers.

>Benchmark Email
>Constant Contact

Types of E-mail Marketing:

1. E-mail Newsletters:

These are regular emails that are sent to a list of subscribers who have chosen to receive updates from a company. Newsletters usually don't have explicit sales messages, but try instead to build a relationship between a customer and a brand. They often have a conversational tone and contain news and information that will be of interest to the customer. The goal is to keep a customer connected to a company even when they are not buying anything.

2. Transactional E-mails:

These are emails that are sent out after certain actions trigger them. When a customer buys a product or makes a reservation, emails are sent out confirming that transaction. They legitimize online commerce by giving customers a way to prove they have bought something. Transactional emails often also contain new sales messages. Studies have shown that transactional emails are opened 51.3% of the time, while newsletters are only opened 36.6% of the time. Knowing that they have a captive audience, marketers will often try to insert new sales pitches into emails that are not explicitly for selling. For example, airline reservation emails often ask if you would like to upgrade your seat for a fee.

3. Direct E-mails:

These are used to inform customers about new products, sales and special offers. They provide customers with direct information about products and usually provide a link or another easy way for customers to access the product. They are similar to the coupons, catalogs, and sales fliers that used to be sent through the post office.

7 Reasons Using E-mail Marketing Can Help Your Business Grow :

> E-mail has Larger Reach-

With Facebook boasting over 1 billion active users and Twitter boasting 255 million, it’s tempting to believe that social media is the most effective way to reach the masses. These are impressive numbers, but what isn’t so frequently shared are the statistics on email usage. The total number of worldwide email accounts was 3.9 billion in 2013, and projected to reach 4.9 billion by 2017, according to Radicati.

> E-mail delivers your message-

If marketers have to choose between adding a subscriber to their email list, or gaining a new Facebook fan, they should go for the email subscriber every time, says Forrester Research.

There are two key reasons why:

First, 90% of email gets delivered to the intended recipient’s inbox, whereas only 2% of your Facebook fans see your posts in their News Feed. This is because Facebook limits the number of times your posts appear in the News Feed in an attempt to drive brands towards their paid advertising options.
This is a big deal when it comes to getting your messages seen.

Secondly, your email subscribers have explicitly told you they want to hear from you when they signed up for your email list. There are strict laws and regulations around SPAM laws, so if you’re emailing a prospect or customer, it is because they gave you permission to. Now think about the ads in your Facebook News Feed – did you ask those companies to market to you? Probably not. More than likely, you performed a Google search or visited their website. That’s decidedly different than proactively signing up from an email newsletter.

Email is the proven marketing channel to ensure your audience gets your message.

> E-mail drives conversions-

Most marketers are laser focused on driving conversions. Regardless of whether this is in the form of leads, sales, memberships, or a metric unique to your business strategy, the ultimate goal for marketers is to turn potential customers into paying customers.

And when it comes to conversions, there isn’t a more powerful channel than email.

> E-mail has a higher ROI-

Given email’s unmatched ability to drive conversions, it would make sense that email is also the most effective marketing channel to drive ROI. Email marketing yields an average 3,800% return on investment for businesses and for every $1 spent on email marketing, the average return on investment is $38.

> E-mail is the preferred communication channel-

For many, social networks are a very personal form of communication used to keep up to date with friends & family. When people log in to their social media accounts, they are there to see photos and updates from people they know and care about.

Email on the contrary, is a much more professional medium and people expect to receive information about products and services through that channel.

> E-mail is an open platform-

Over the past few years, many brands have invested millions of dollars into buying large social followings in order to be able to communicate and engage with an audience.

The diverse array of companies involved in email marketing ensures that no one party can make changes that are going to have a widespread effect, and unlike Facebook or Twitter, if you invest the time and money into building a great email list it’s an asset you will own and be able to leverage without the threat of someone limiting its effectiveness.

> E- mail will be around forever-

Email on the contrary has a long history of stability. The first promotional email campaign was sent in 1978 to a total of 400 people, and email has been growing consistently since. Interestingly, the email space itself has evolved from a time where you needed a developer to build an email, to today where tools like Campaign Monitor empower the modern marketer to create and send beautiful branded emails. This shift has put the power of business email into the hands of more people.

Building your email list, unlike building a social media following, is a stable long-term investment that will pay off for many years to come.

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